What is Email Marketing Analytics?

Email Marketing Analytics – Email Marketing is the key to the hearts and your customers’ wallets. Sounds pretty grand, but it’s true. According to the Direct Marketing Association, the market through the mail has a return on investment (ROI) of 4,300%. Or, to put it in more explicit terms, that equates to $43 worth of money for every dollar spent. Not a bad investment at all!

And the best part? It doesn’t require trickery, manipulation, or great software techniques to achieve results. With a few ideas to share and some essential online tools, you can start using email marketing today to build a strong relationship with your ideal audience and grow your business with happy

History and Trends of Email Marketing Analytics

History and Trends of Email Marketing Analytics

These days it’s hard to imagine life without email, but email marketing has a history that continues to evolve. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent the first email. So what did the message of this historic leap in communication say? Tomlinson says it was “something like QWERTYUIOP.”

Seven years later, Gary Thuerk, marketing manager for Digital Equipment Corp, sent the first email blast promoting DEC machines to 400 users via Arpanet. The promotional email worked, generating $13 million worth of sales.

Benefits of EMA

Email marketing is just one of many stations that can be used in a digital marketing strategy, but it is potentially the most effective. Some of the benefits of using email marketing include:

  • An email has an average ROI of $44 for every $1 spent.
  • Almost all Americans check email at least once a day, and many Millennials and Gen Z-ers prefer email advertising over other kinds.
  • Email is accessible: Customers don’t need to consent home or be tech-savvy to interact with your marketing materials.
  • Nearly a third of Americans recently visited a company’s store or site after receiving an email.
  • This may seem small but remember: they probably wouldn’t have appeared without email.

Why You Need Email Marketing Analytics?

Why You Need Email Marketing Analytics_

Doing so allows you to become a friend and trusted advisor to your customers, as in the previous scenario. On the other hand, when you are used to explosive offers and being contacted by every random stranger (who may or may not be interested in what you are selling), you can inadvertently turn into an annoying and obnoxious stranger in scenario number two.

Building a solid relationship with your clientele and gaining their trust is the “know, love, trust” factor in the marketing world.


For people to buy anything from you, be it products or services, they first have to know you. And by understanding you, I don’t mean the fact that you exist (although that’s certainly helpful), but rather whether they know you on a higher level. Your customers need to know what you do, why you do it, and how you do it (and why that’s so different from how everyone else does it).


However, getting to know him is only the first step. For them to turn from strangers into your customers, they must like you. And let’s be honest here: not everyone will like you, and that’s okay, that’s fine. (And you shouldn’t try to please everyone.) However, your ideal audience, meaning the people you’d love to work with, are the ones you need to like so they can later buy from you. And to like them, they must see and experience more with you and your company or business than what you offer.

Campaigns of Email Marketing Analytics

Campaigns of Email Marketing Analytics

You’ll need to create more meaningful email marketing campaigns during particular times of the year, such as when you’re launching a new product or service, opening space for the next room, offering an online course, or hosting a live event towards sales.

But even though these campaigns will not be full of direct sales messages on their own, their calls to action will be sales-oriented nonetheless. A good email marketing campaign first presents a problem. Usually, a problem that the audience is having then gives the solution in the form of a product or service that you are offering, explaining the benefits and values ​​of your offer.

Why is Email Marketing Analysis Important?

An email is a powerful tool that allows marketers to reach their target audience directly in their inboxes, and it has the potential to bring incredible ROI to your business. Hence the importance of doing an email marketing analysis that helps you measure the fulfilment of your objectives.

If you want your email marketing pains to be successful, you need to monitor and measure an email campaign regularly and use analytics to improve it. This will help you optimize your emails and get the most out of your email marketing strategy.

Email Marketing Analysis with Google Analytics

Now that we’ve covered email marketing metrics you can measure, for example, through a marketing dashboard. Let’s take a look at how you can track your email efforts with Google Analytics.

If you previously consume Google Analytics set up on your website, it’s easy to incorporate additional email tracking.

When you record into your Google Analytics explanation, click on the “acquisition” tab on the left side of the screen. Then, click on the “overview” tab in the “acquisition” dropdown menu, and you will be able to see the number of new users and sessions. On your website from all channels, including your email campaigns.


There are two main types of email marketing: inbound and outbound. The input is generally used by B2C brands, while the output is usually for B2-B companies. We’ll focus primarily on inbound marketing, but the thing to know about outbound marketing. In is that it’s often used for email content marketing to engage with other businesses for collaboration and backlinks.

Otherwise, you first need to gain email subscribers when starting with email marketing. So, you create email marketing campaigns targeting. In the type of people who have signed up to receive your emails.